Complex capital creative solutions

Through various market cycles, opportunistic credit opportunities present themselves without notice. We respond dynamically and move forward with conviction to invest in opportunities generally uncorrelated with the broader market.
Leveraging our extensive credit and structuring expertise, we can respond quickly where we have a competitive edge to strategically invest capital on short notice.
Our credit expertise is supported with significant domain knowledge in multiple industries allowing us to identify and underwrite attractive opportunities where others can not compete.
We excel in navigating collaborations with diverse capital providers and stakeholders. Alternatively, we offer streamlined solutions, simplifying complex capital structures with our single counterparty approach
SAF’s experienced team is well-versed in delivering tailored structured credit strategies involving a wide range of collateral. Our expertise and flexibility as a lender lead to sophisticated solutions that meet the desired exposure of our investors as well as borrowers’ unique financing needs
SAF has a proven track record of stepping in as a key partner in financing acquisitions, providing expedient, reliable capital while employing an approach that satisfies all stakeholders involved in the transaction

SAF Opportunistic Credit Platform

Opportunistic Credit
SAF Group